About US

The Pacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region, proudly supporting development since 1947. We are an international development organisation owned and governed by our 26 country and territory members.


We work for the well-being of Pacific people through the effective and innovative application of science and knowledge, guided by a deep understanding of Pacific Island contexts and cultures.


Our Pacific vision is for a region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead free, healthy and productive lives. This is a shared vision for the Pacific under the Framework for Pacific Regionalism.


Our unique organisation covers more than 20 sectors. We are renowned for knowledge and innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public health surveillance, geoscience and conservation of plant genetic resources for food security.

The Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) under the Geoscience Division of SPC, has a structure consisting of Resources Management, Services and Governance. For WSP these translate into water resources management which includes rainwater, surface water and groundwater resources assessment, development, management and protection, with a particular emphasis on water resources management in climatic extremes. This component includes climate adaptation with regard to water resources issues. Main programme results are the Pacific Hydrological Cycle Observing System (HYCOS) and the Pacific Water and Climate Resource Centre. The focus is on capacity building and wise practice promotion.

Sanitation and drinking water services are addressed by the Water Services component and include drinking-water supply and wastewater disposal asset management. Regional programmes have been established on drinking water quality monitoring (WQM), drinking water safety planning (WSP), water demand management (WDM), rainwater harvesting (RWH) and, in general, the sustainability of water and wastewater technologies for both urban and rural systems. The Coordination of the Pacific WASH Coalition Partnership is also a key element of the unit.

The Governance component pulls together a number of different areas which together attribute to better institutional arrangements in the water sector. These include national level policies, plans and strategies; institutional instruments such as legislation and institutional strengthening; multi-stakeholder national water partnerships; IWRM and catchment level management; community level water governance; awareness raising and education initiatives; and advocacy for community participation and gender. The Governance component also includes regional and global high-level advocacy and awareness with WSP playing a coordinating role as facilitators of the Pacific Partnership Initiative on Sustainable Water Management which involves national stakeholders and external support agencies in the region.

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