Integrated Water Resource Management Planning Process

Figures 1: Cap Net IWRM Manual
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) planning process is like any other planning process. It is broken down into steps; it is structured with key inputs and outputs, it is concise and is guided by the eventual development of a road map to accomplish its goals and objectives.
What make an IWRM planning process different is that it takes ownership of the problem not just at the state level but also at society level. It incorporates the spirit of shared decision making through stakeholder analysis and consultation. This results in transparency, cooperation and combines actions, helping us move away from fragmented planning towards an integrated way of planning and implementing water projects.
According to documents you will find in this toolkit, the IWRM Planning Process is broken down into nine major processes or phases:
1. Process Initiation
2. Steering Committee Establishment
3. Process Management Team Establishment
4. Stakeholder involvement plan development and implementation
5. Communications plan development and implementation
6. Situational Analysis and IWRM Plan Framework
7. Vision Statement and Goals Articulation
8. Evaluate IWRM Plan options
9. IWRM Plan promotion, adoption and implementation
The road map developed, guides the implementation of these phases in accordance to the time frames agreed to.
The resource material in this toolkit will highlight what the planning process is, why and how to go through the planning process, how to develop IWRM road maps, it will expand upon how to integrate IWRM into national planning Processes and you will also be able to find case studies relevant to the topic as well.
How & Why-IWRM Planning ProcessThe different phases of the IWRM planning process mentioned above will be outlined in more detail in this section. It will demonstrate why it is necessary to go through an IWRM planning process and how it can be achieved. It will also highlight and introduce the concept of Road Mapping to the users. In order to successfully implement an integrated water management project it is necessary to first have an IWRM plan that will take you through the project cycle and the resources listed will help you do just that.
1) Catalysing Change: A handbook for developing Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and water efficiency strategies. (GWP)
2) Guidance in preparing a National Integrated Water Resources Management and Efficiency plan: Advancing the WSSD Plan of Implementation (GWP)
3) Integrated Water Resource Management Plans: Training Manual and Operational Guide (Cap-Net)
4) Managing Africa’s Water Resources GWP support to IWRM planning: What have we learned? (GWP)
5) National IWRM Planning: How does GWP help and what has been learnt so far? (GWP)
6) Technical Committee Policy Brief- Unlocking the door to Social development and economic growth: How a more integrated approach in water can help (GWP)
7) Steps in the IWRM Road mapping process
8) What is an IWRM Plan- why do we need one?
9) The Key elements of the IWRM Concept for Central Asia. (Vadim Sokolov & Victor Dukhovny)
IWRM Road mappingRoad Mapping is and essential requirement of the IWRM planning process. The road map is a list of actions that needs to be completed with in certain time frames to ensure the successful implementation of your plan. It has been described as the process of vision to plan. It outlines the necessary steps that need to be taken to develop an IWRM plan. The documents in this section show the users how road maps can be formulated and why they are needed for the IWRM planning process.
1) The roadmap towards Integrated Water Resource Management Planning (IWCAM)
2) Guide to water sector road map.
3) International conference in Copenhagen Managing Water resources towards 2015. April 2007. The road map for Implementing IWRM. Niels Ipsen. UNEP Collaborating Centre on Water & Environments (UCE – Water)
4) UN – Water & GWP Road mapping for advancing IWRM Process
Process Management CycleThe Process Management Cycle expands on the concept of the planning process. It deals with how the project should be structured, designed and run and not just how it should be implemented and its processes. The following resources have been chosen to help guide you in your planning cycle and explain the processes that you need to go through.
1) UNDP – Capacity Assessment & Development. In a system & Strategic Management context Planning (Chapter 1 -8 Annexes 1-4)
2) The Logical Framework Approach (IFA)
3) Cap- Net- IWRM Planning Process Presentations
4) Financing facilities for water sector (IRC)
Strategies for MainstreamingIn order to successfully implement IWRM plans at a National level it has to be included into the national planning processes of individual countries. It can be through legislature that includes Integrated Water Resource Management into its Water Act or by setting up of Water Advisory Boards that become the legal arms of water management. Regardless of what form this harmony of legislature may come in, IWRM to be effective must be mainstreamed into the National Policies. The following resources provide you with an idea and means of how this can be done. More on harmonization processes can be located in the policy and legislation toolkit.
1) Technical Committee Policy Brief Number 4 (TEC 4)-How IWRM will contribute to achieving the MDGs (GWP)
2) Technical Committee Policy Brief Number 6 (TEC 6) - How to integrate IWRM and national development plans and development and why this needs to be done in the era of aid effectiveness. (GWP)
3) Technical Brief 2-Tools for keeping IWRM Strategic Planning on track (GWP)
4) UN-Water and Global Water Partnership (GWP) Road mapping for Advancing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Processes (UN Water and GWP)
5) Technical Brief 1- Checklists for change: Defining areas for action n an IWRM Strategy or plan. (GWP)
6) A Guide for Self – Assessment of country capacity needs for Global Environment Management. GEF – Capacity _ Needs.
Case StudiesThe case studies selected provide an overview of the IWRM planning process and a look at how road maps were developed for IWRM in other countries who also face similar water management issues.
1) Water Sector Road Map. Kingdom of Cambodia.
2) Water Sector Road Map. Viet-Nam.
3) Case Studies of Water Resources Planning in Developing Countries: Lessons Learned
4) Republic of South Africa. Department of Water Affairs & Forestry. Proposed first edition. National Water Resource Strategy, Summary
5) Burkina – IWRM plan Burkina – Faso Ministry of Agriculture, hydraulics, & Fishing Resources. Action Plan for IWRM in Burkina Faso (Pagire)
6) Development of an IWRM plan for the lake Manyara sub basin, Northern Tanzania
7) Government of Grenada Road Map towards IWRM Planning for Grenada
8) Tuvalu Draft Integrated Water Resource Management Plan
More material on IWRM planning process can be found in our Reference Material section. Though these documents are not key to understanding the planning process they are however useful tools to develop material and be used for reference purposes.
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) planning process is like any other planning process. It is broken down into steps; it is structured with key inputs and outputs, it is concise and is guided by the eventual development of a road map to accomplish its goals and objectives.
What make an IWRM planning process different is that it takes ownership of the problem not just at the state level but also at society level. It incorporates the spirit of shared decision making through stakeholder analysis and consultation. This results in transparency, cooperation and combines actions, helping us move away from fragmented planning towards an integrated way of planning and implementing water projects.
According to documents you will find in this toolkit, the IWRM Planning Process is broken down into nine major processes or phases:
1. Process Initiation
2. Steering Committee Establishment
3. Process Management Team Establishment
4. Stakeholder involvement plan development and implementation
5. Communications plan development and implementation
6. Situational Analysis and IWRM Plan Framework
7. Vision Statement and Goals Articulation
8. Evaluate IWRM Plan options
9. IWRM Plan promotion, adoption and implementation
The road map developed, guides the implementation of these phases in accordance to the time frames agreed to.
The resource material in this toolkit will highlight what the planning process is, why and how to go through the planning process, how to develop IWRM road maps, it will expand upon how to integrate IWRM into national planning Processes and you will also be able to find case studies relevant to the topic as well.
How & Why-IWRM Planning ProcessThe different phases of the IWRM planning process mentioned above will be outlined in more detail in this section. It will demonstrate why it is necessary to go through an IWRM planning process and how it can be achieved. It will also highlight and introduce the concept of Road Mapping to the users. In order to successfully implement an integrated water management project it is necessary to first have an IWRM plan that will take you through the project cycle and the resources listed will help you do just that.
1) Catalysing Change: A handbook for developing Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and water efficiency strategies. (GWP)
2) Guidance in preparing a National Integrated Water Resources Management and Efficiency plan: Advancing the WSSD Plan of Implementation (GWP)
3) Integrated Water Resource Management Plans: Training Manual and Operational Guide (Cap-Net)
4) Managing Africa’s Water Resources GWP support to IWRM planning: What have we learned? (GWP)
5) National IWRM Planning: How does GWP help and what has been learnt so far? (GWP)
6) Technical Committee Policy Brief- Unlocking the door to Social development and economic growth: How a more integrated approach in water can help (GWP)
7) Steps in the IWRM Road mapping process
8) What is an IWRM Plan- why do we need one?
9) The Key elements of the IWRM Concept for Central Asia. (Vadim Sokolov & Victor Dukhovny)
IWRM Road mappingRoad Mapping is and essential requirement of the IWRM planning process. The road map is a list of actions that needs to be completed with in certain time frames to ensure the successful implementation of your plan. It has been described as the process of vision to plan. It outlines the necessary steps that need to be taken to develop an IWRM plan. The documents in this section show the users how road maps can be formulated and why they are needed for the IWRM planning process.
1) The roadmap towards Integrated Water Resource Management Planning (IWCAM)
2) Guide to water sector road map.
3) International conference in Copenhagen Managing Water resources towards 2015. April 2007. The road map for Implementing IWRM. Niels Ipsen. UNEP Collaborating Centre on Water & Environments (UCE – Water)
4) UN – Water & GWP Road mapping for advancing IWRM Process
Process Management CycleThe Process Management Cycle expands on the concept of the planning process. It deals with how the project should be structured, designed and run and not just how it should be implemented and its processes. The following resources have been chosen to help guide you in your planning cycle and explain the processes that you need to go through.
1) UNDP – Capacity Assessment & Development. In a system & Strategic Management context Planning (Chapter 1 -8 Annexes 1-4)
2) The Logical Framework Approach (IFA)
3) Cap- Net- IWRM Planning Process Presentations
4) Financing facilities for water sector (IRC)
Strategies for MainstreamingIn order to successfully implement IWRM plans at a National level it has to be included into the national planning processes of individual countries. It can be through legislature that includes Integrated Water Resource Management into its Water Act or by setting up of Water Advisory Boards that become the legal arms of water management. Regardless of what form this harmony of legislature may come in, IWRM to be effective must be mainstreamed into the National Policies. The following resources provide you with an idea and means of how this can be done. More on harmonization processes can be located in the policy and legislation toolkit.
1) Technical Committee Policy Brief Number 4 (TEC 4)-How IWRM will contribute to achieving the MDGs (GWP)
2) Technical Committee Policy Brief Number 6 (TEC 6) - How to integrate IWRM and national development plans and development and why this needs to be done in the era of aid effectiveness. (GWP)
3) Technical Brief 2-Tools for keeping IWRM Strategic Planning on track (GWP)
4) UN-Water and Global Water Partnership (GWP) Road mapping for Advancing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Processes (UN Water and GWP)
5) Technical Brief 1- Checklists for change: Defining areas for action n an IWRM Strategy or plan. (GWP)
6) A Guide for Self – Assessment of country capacity needs for Global Environment Management. GEF – Capacity _ Needs.
Case StudiesThe case studies selected provide an overview of the IWRM planning process and a look at how road maps were developed for IWRM in other countries who also face similar water management issues.
1) Water Sector Road Map. Kingdom of Cambodia.
2) Water Sector Road Map. Viet-Nam.
3) Case Studies of Water Resources Planning in Developing Countries: Lessons Learned
4) Republic of South Africa. Department of Water Affairs & Forestry. Proposed first edition. National Water Resource Strategy, Summary
5) Burkina – IWRM plan Burkina – Faso Ministry of Agriculture, hydraulics, & Fishing Resources. Action Plan for IWRM in Burkina Faso (Pagire)
6) Development of an IWRM plan for the lake Manyara sub basin, Northern Tanzania
7) Government of Grenada Road Map towards IWRM Planning for Grenada
8) Tuvalu Draft Integrated Water Resource Management Plan
More material on IWRM planning process can be found in our Reference Material section. Though these documents are not key to understanding the planning process they are however useful tools to develop material and be used for reference purposes.