Report of Visit to Ebeye, Kwajalein Marshall Islands: 22-24 October 2001. |
(16 pages) (1154 kB) |
Review of the Rotuma Water Supply and Distribution System Fiji Islands. |
(16 pages) (1209 kB) |
Technical Reports
Equitable management of water and sanitation in Pacific Islands Countries. |
(106 pages) (1017 kB) |
The Sanitation Park Project: A regional initiative to increase participatory approaches in the sanitation sector. |
(59 pages) (2817 kB) |
Water quality monitoring in Pacific Island Countries. Revised Edition, February 2005. (Handbook for Water Quality Manager & Laboratories, Public Health Officers, Water Engineers and Suppliers, Environmental Protection Agencies and organisations involved in water quality monitoring) |
(43 pages) (757 kB) |
TR0374 |
The effect of a cyclone on drinking water quality and how best to protect public health when similar disasters occur. RESTRICTED. |
(See SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 543 for published version) |
The Hydrogen-Sulphide? paper-strip test - a simple test for monitoring drinking water quality in the Pacific Islands. |
(24 pages) (377 kB) |
Niue coastal water quality and groundwater resources assessment. (Restricted to Niue until end of April 2005) |
(35 pages) (809 kB) |
TR0347 |
Water demand management: leakage assessment and detection in Majuro, Marshall Islands. RESTRICTED. (Members may apply directly to the Secretariat for copies) |
(81pages) |
Water resources assessment Laura, Majuro, Marshall Islands. |
(20 pages) (2793 kB) |
Water quality analysis Manihiki Lagoon, Cook Islands. |
(29 pages) (6703 kB) |
Pipe detection surveys and creation of water utility GIS, Niue. |
(22 pages) (1043 kB) |
Hydraulic network modelling of the Raratonga water supply system, Cook Islands. |
(17 pages) (4282 kB) |
Report on project criteria, guidelines and technologies — Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. |
(47 pages) (2075 kB) |
Groundwater assessment, Kingdom of Tonga. |
(57 pages) (2208 kB) |
Hydraulic network modelling of the Nuku'alofa Water Supply System, Kingdom of Tonga. (Appendices available from the Secretariat on request) |
(28 pages) (79 kB) |
Demand management and conservation investigations in Funafuti, Tuvalu. |
(24 pages) (10485 kB) |
Demand management and conservation investigations on the Island of 'Eua, Tonga. (Appendices from the Secretariat on request) |
(31 pages) (129 kB) |
A report on the International Conference on the radiological situation at the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa. (Prepared for the South Pacific Forum) |
(21 pages) (100 kB) |
Technical appraisal of the Auki Water Supply System, Malaita Island, Solomon Islands. |
(43 pages) (3249 kB) |
Groundwater potential assessment of the Raratonga coastal plain. |
(23 pages) (2520 kB) |
Water supply for Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands — A technical appraisal for feasible options. |
(16 pages) (491 kB) |
Assessment of water resources Manono Island, Samoa. |
(37 pages) (1042 kB) |
Comment on the groundwater resources, surface water resources and water supply of Rarotonga, Cook Islands: report of a visit, including field investigations: 13-21 November 1996. |
(44 pages) (6979 kB) |
Engineering report for Nan Mand Water Supply System, Kitti Municipality, Section II, Ponpei, Federated States of Micronesia. |
(26 pages) (2603 kB) |
Republic of Marshall Islands. Water and Sanitation Sector, Strategy and Action Plan. (Action Plan) |
(85 pages) (1123 kB) |
Engineering report for Paeis water supply system, Kitti Municipality, Section 1, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. |
(11 pages) (1140 kB) |
An assessment of saltwater intrusion in Babai pits and some water supply projects on Makim, Butaritari and Abaiang, Republic of Kiribat. |
(40 pages) (4244 kB) |
Hydraulic and water quality studies, Erakor Lagoons and Port Vila Harbour, Vanuatu. |
(29 pages) (1298 kB) |
Miscellaneous Reports
Water and sanitation issues and strategic responses in the Pacific: views from national and regional consultations and initiatives. (Pacific Brief for the Report of the Secretary-General? to CSD13) |
(11 pages) (254 kB) |
Water quality of rainwater harvesting systems. (+ CD for volumetric calculations in Excel) |
(19 pages) (247 kB) |
Effects of a tropical cyclone on the drinking-water quality of a remote Pacific Island. |
(13 pages) (440 kB) |
Effects of Forestry Activities on Surface Water Quality in the Pacific Region: a case study of the Rewa River Catchment, Fiji Islands. |
(3 pages) (174 kB) |
Pacific Dialogue on Water and Climate — Synthesis Report. February 2003. (Prepared for the Third World Water Forum, 16-23 March 2003.) |
(28 pages) (1232 kB) |
Concept Paper: Towards Managing Environmental Vulnerability in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). |
(16 pages) (184 Kb) |
Vanuatu Water Quality Database User Manual. |
(22 pages) (410 kB) |
MR0456 | Workshops on water quality surveillance and safety, Fiji Islands, September & November 2001. | (20 pages) (882 kB) |
MR0451 | 1 Jan 2002 Regional Meeting of Stakeholders in Waste Water Management: 10-15 October 2001 Majuro, Marshall Islands.(appendix C and G are available from the secretariat upon request) | (45 pages) (313 kB) |
MR0444 | Draft Water,Sanitation and Hygiene Strategies for SOPAC (2001-2004) | (16 pages) (59 kB) |
MR0442 | Summary of SOPAC Water Demand Management and Conservation activities in the Pacific Region. | (14 pages) (2533 kB) |
MR0426 | Consultation Meeting of Stakeholders in Sewage Management:23rd March 2001, Apia Samoa. | (15 pages) (108 kB) |
MR0425 | Consultation Meeting of Stakeholders in Sewage Management 2 February 2001, Auckland, New Zealand.(Appendix B/Background Documents available from the Secretariat upon request) | (21 pages) (66 kB) |
MR0397 | 1 Nov 2000 Guidelines for Water and Sanitation Utilities, Risk Management Planning (A Disaster Preparedness Approach for Small Island Development States) | (22 pages) (868 kB) |
MR0396 | 1 Oct 2000 Water Quality Database, User Manual 2000. | (18 pages) (1131 kB) |
MR0361 | Installation of a Global Positioning System (GPS) Assisted Field Asset Management (FAM) System for the Department of Water Works in Raratonga, 1-11th December 1999. | (31 pages) (4802 kB) |
MR0356 | Recommendations for disaster preparedness of water and sanitation systems in the Pacific small island developing countries. | (25 pages) (112 kB) |
MR0354 | SOPAC Water Resources Unit Offset Wenner Resistivity Survey Guidelines. | (17 pages) (3697 kB) |
MR0353 | Drought Mitigation: Water demand management as a tool to mitigate drought impacts in rural water supply systems: Report of Visit to Kadavu 14-17 September 1999. | (15 pages) (7328 kB) |
MR0350 | Calibration of Tonga Water Board Water Reticulation Model. (Appendices 3-5 is available from the Secretariat upon request) | (30 pages) (5738 kB) |
MR0345 | Water Demand Management Workshop: Nadi, Fiji Islands, Skylodge Hotel, 21-26 June 1999. (Appendices are available from the Secretariat on request) | (55 pages) (260 kB) |
MR0302 | Demand Management and Conservation Project — Field investigation in South Tarawa, Kiribati. (Appendix 3 available from the Secretariat on request) | (17 pages) (71 kB) |
MR0301 | Pacific Water Association Report on the 40th Annual Conference and Expo of the NZ Water and Wastes Association. (Appendices 1-4 available from the Secretariat on request) | (18 pages) (41 kB) |
MR0298 | Pacific Water Association: Report of the Meeting on Possible Collaboration with World Plumbing Council. | (9 pages) (436 kB) |
MR0284 | Demand Management and Conservation Field Investigations, Solomon Islands Water Authority. | (24 pages) (83 kB) |
MR0276 | Water and sanitation technical assistance to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Kosrae State, 1-9 December 1997. | (6 pages) (1299 kB) |
MR0275 | Water sanitation sector development assistance visit to Solomon Islands. | (21 pages) (285 Kb) |
MR0274 | Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council. (Fourth Global Forum: Manila, Philippines) | (32 pages) (2140 kB) |
MR0268 | Pacific Water Association Steering Committee Meeting held at SOPAC Secretariat, Suva, Fiji, 21 November 1997. | (45 pages) (462 kB) |
MR0252 | Water demand management and conservation in the Pacific region. | (11 pages) (514 kB) |
MR0249 | Waterless composting toilets — some thoughts on their design in tropical islands. | (30 pages) (2258 kB) |
MR0244 | Water supply and sanitation Collaborative Council Small Island Development States (SIDS) Working Group Meeting on water held at the SOPAC Secretariat, Suva, Fiji. | (32 pages) (6132 kB) |
MR0231 | Pacific Water Association Steering Committee Meeting held at SOPAC Secretariat, Suva, Fiji, 29-31 January 1996. | (2 pages) (1985 kB) |
MR0202 | Report on a meeting to discuss the establishment of a Pacific Water Association, Apia, Western Samoa, 27-28 July 1995. | (6 pages) (450 kB) |
MR0199 | Rainwater utilization for the world's people: report on the 7th International Rainwater Systems | (11 pages) (142 kB) |
Joint Contribution Reports
RepDrinking water quality in the Pacific Island Countries: situation analysis and needs assessment. (WHO, SOPAC) |
(11 pages) (544 kB) |
JC0144 | South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), 2002. The Pacific Freshwater Education Kit: an education package for schools in the Pacific Islands Region.(Hard copy only provided to SOPAC). | |
JC | ADB Consultation Paper of Proceedings |