Engaging Media for Integrated Water Resource Management
Engaging Media for Integrated Water Resource Management is also important strategically. In order to capture the Nation’s attention, you will need to create a high level of awareness. The only way this can be done is by involving the media and using the media to circulate the information on IWRM. Things always get more attention once it is put in the spot light and nothing is more effective than air time on national TV or front page news in your national newspaper. The point is you need to capture the nation’s attention in order for IWRM to catch on.
Why and How The documents here show you how to engage with the media, how to analyse the situation and create influential messages. More information on advocacy can been found in the High Level Engagement toolkit. The presentation contained here also shows you how to go about forming a communications strategy.
1) Tools – handbook. Tools for policy Impact: A handbook for researches. Cap-Net
2) Communications strategy
Case StudyThe case studies are examples of communications strategies developed for specific projects already carried out. These can be looked into in trying to develop your own IWRM communications strategy
1) Surviving Climate Change in Small Islands
2) Tuvalu Communications Strategy for IWP
3) Informing Citizens: Opportunities for media and communications in the Pacific
Why and How The documents here show you how to engage with the media, how to analyse the situation and create influential messages. More information on advocacy can been found in the High Level Engagement toolkit. The presentation contained here also shows you how to go about forming a communications strategy.
1) Tools – handbook. Tools for policy Impact: A handbook for researches. Cap-Net
2) Communications strategy
Case StudyThe case studies are examples of communications strategies developed for specific projects already carried out. These can be looked into in trying to develop your own IWRM communications strategy
1) Surviving Climate Change in Small Islands
2) Tuvalu Communications Strategy for IWP
3) Informing Citizens: Opportunities for media and communications in the Pacific