Water Resources Policy and Legislation
Policy and legislation is a very important phase of implementing Integrating Water Resource Management (IWRM). After gaining awareness with policy makers, it needs to be put onto paper and enter the policy domain. This is necessary if IWRM is to have legal standing in national policies. The concept of harmonization is brought up in many of the documents in this toolkit. Harmonization means to bring together, and in this case refers to the integrating of IWRM into existing policies and legislation. We hope through this toolkit the user gains a better understanding of why and how to either draft, review, revise or adopt policy and legislation to support IWRM, why consultation and stakeholder engagement processes are important and also provide some examples of these processes under taken in other countries and regions.
How and WhyThis section contains resources that will help the user better understand the concept of harmonization. It will give an insight into how policy and legislation can be drawn up or reviewed and why this is a necessary phase within the IWRM roadmap. One must keep in mind for IWRM implementation to be a success this stage of the program cycle needs to be carried out in earnest. A lack of legislation means that IWRM boards and councils will be toothless tigers unable to make reforms as required.
1) Chapter 5 – Analytical Structure & sequence for review. FAO Corporate Document Repository
2) Queensland Lessons Learnt. Implementing Water reform in Queensland, Australia. Case #24 (GWP)
3) TEC Background Papers No.7- Effective Water Governance (GWP)
4) Governing water wisely for Sustainable Development (UNDESA/UNDP/UNECE)
5) Toolkit for harmonizing. Draft Document III. Toolkit for Harmonizing & Enhancing Laws & Institution to Implement IWCAM for GEF Project on “Integrating Watershed & Coastal Areas Management in Caribbean Small Islands Developing States (GEF –IWCAM)
6) SADC Water Sector RSAP Projects 9 & 10 Guidelines for the Development of National Water Policies & Strategies to support IWRM
7) Preparation of a national water resources policy
Implementation and Enforcement
Implementation and enforcement of IWRM policy and legislation is just as important as formulating them. Usually the enforcement of these policies is carried out by the institution that has been given the responsibility to manage water resources. The document in this section is a look at how the
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) has instituted policy and legislation and the control measures used by them to ensure effective implementation.
1) A survey of measures taken by the ESCWA countries during the 1990’s for the optimization of water resource. Monitoring & Evaluation capacity building in the water sector. Institutional Reform UN
2) Regulatory bodies and enforcement agencies
ConsultationConsultation is another form of Stakeholder engagement (more documents on this topic is available from the Stakeholder Engagement toolkit) process. Consultation helps to gain the opinions of every stake holder concerned and make an informed and reasonable decision. This document in this section draws on actual experiences from different countries and how in each country public consultation was organized.
1) Chapter 6 – Water Policy Reviews in practice. FAO Corporate Document Repository
Global Case StudiesHere we have selected case studies from around the world to help demonstrate to the users of this toolkit how other countries have responded to the need to formulate policy and legislation with respect to IWRM. The Case Studies highlight challenges faced and progress made in the field of water policy making.
1) Mainstreaming Adaptation concerns in Management of Water Resources in Asia: Progress and Challenges. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
2) Capacity Building Actions in Groundwater Management Issues as an Aspect of IWRM for the Nile Region
3) Water Policy Briefing Putting research knowledge into action. Issue 22. Water Governance in the Mekong region, the need for more informed policy. Making IWMI – Mekong (IWMI)
Pacific PoliciesIn this section one can find different water policies that have been developed here in the Pacific by different Pacific Island Countries. These policies have been either modified or developed in the last five years to address water situations in their individual countries.
1) Cook Island Water Resources Management Act 2006 (Draft 15/05/06)
2) EU and SOPAC Programme for Water Governance: Fiji water Resources Management at National Level. Chapter 3- Water Resources Policy (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
3) EU and SOPAC Programme for Water Governance: Fiji water Resources Management at National Level. Chapter 4-Water Resources Legislation (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
4) EU and SOPAC Programme for Water Governance: Fiji water Resources Management at National Level. Chapter 4-Appendix Water Legislation Policy Draft (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
5) EU Water Governance Programme: Water Governance in the Pacific; Kiribati Pilot Project (EU- SOPAC PFWG SEPT 2006)
6) European Union Programme for water governance Pacific Region. Water Governance at the National Level: Pilot country Fiji report of pilot initial mission (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
7) European Union and SOPAC programme for Water Governance. Fiji Water Resources Management at National Level- Chapter one : Summary and Recommendations (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
8) Pacific Programme for Water Governance- Republic of Kiribati Pilot Project. A whole of Government Approach to Water Policy and Planning (Ian White Australian National University)
9) Solomon Islands Water Resources Bill 2006- Annex SI4
10) Solomon Islands- Water Governance Programme Final Report 2007
11) Solomon Islands Water Governance Programme ( Charlie Bepapa)
12) Vanuatu National Water Strategy (Draft)
13) Pacific Programme for Water Governance Kiribati Water Governance. Milestone Report 1:Activities 1&2
14) Government of the Republic of Kiribati Water for Healthy Communities, Environments and Sustainable Development Draft National Freshwater Resources Policy For Discussion
15) ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK TA No 6031 – REG Promotion of Effective Water Management Policies and Practices TAR: 35494-01 Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) in association with Brisbane City Enterprises (BCE) SECTORAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PROGRAM Final
16) EU & SOPAC Programme for Water Governance. Republic of Kiribati. Water Governance Pilot Project. Summary of Activities
17) National Plan & Strategies for Sustainable Water Management & Use. Draft 10 year Water Resources Plan for Discussion (Kiribati)
18) Water policy and Strategy- Cook Islands
19) Water Bill 2008- Niue
How and WhyThis section contains resources that will help the user better understand the concept of harmonization. It will give an insight into how policy and legislation can be drawn up or reviewed and why this is a necessary phase within the IWRM roadmap. One must keep in mind for IWRM implementation to be a success this stage of the program cycle needs to be carried out in earnest. A lack of legislation means that IWRM boards and councils will be toothless tigers unable to make reforms as required.
1) Chapter 5 – Analytical Structure & sequence for review. FAO Corporate Document Repository
2) Queensland Lessons Learnt. Implementing Water reform in Queensland, Australia. Case #24 (GWP)
3) TEC Background Papers No.7- Effective Water Governance (GWP)
4) Governing water wisely for Sustainable Development (UNDESA/UNDP/UNECE)
5) Toolkit for harmonizing. Draft Document III. Toolkit for Harmonizing & Enhancing Laws & Institution to Implement IWCAM for GEF Project on “Integrating Watershed & Coastal Areas Management in Caribbean Small Islands Developing States (GEF –IWCAM)
6) SADC Water Sector RSAP Projects 9 & 10 Guidelines for the Development of National Water Policies & Strategies to support IWRM
7) Preparation of a national water resources policy
Implementation and Enforcement
Implementation and enforcement of IWRM policy and legislation is just as important as formulating them. Usually the enforcement of these policies is carried out by the institution that has been given the responsibility to manage water resources. The document in this section is a look at how the
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) has instituted policy and legislation and the control measures used by them to ensure effective implementation.
1) A survey of measures taken by the ESCWA countries during the 1990’s for the optimization of water resource. Monitoring & Evaluation capacity building in the water sector. Institutional Reform UN
2) Regulatory bodies and enforcement agencies
ConsultationConsultation is another form of Stakeholder engagement (more documents on this topic is available from the Stakeholder Engagement toolkit) process. Consultation helps to gain the opinions of every stake holder concerned and make an informed and reasonable decision. This document in this section draws on actual experiences from different countries and how in each country public consultation was organized.
1) Chapter 6 – Water Policy Reviews in practice. FAO Corporate Document Repository
Global Case StudiesHere we have selected case studies from around the world to help demonstrate to the users of this toolkit how other countries have responded to the need to formulate policy and legislation with respect to IWRM. The Case Studies highlight challenges faced and progress made in the field of water policy making.
1) Mainstreaming Adaptation concerns in Management of Water Resources in Asia: Progress and Challenges. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
2) Capacity Building Actions in Groundwater Management Issues as an Aspect of IWRM for the Nile Region
3) Water Policy Briefing Putting research knowledge into action. Issue 22. Water Governance in the Mekong region, the need for more informed policy. Making IWMI – Mekong (IWMI)
Pacific PoliciesIn this section one can find different water policies that have been developed here in the Pacific by different Pacific Island Countries. These policies have been either modified or developed in the last five years to address water situations in their individual countries.
1) Cook Island Water Resources Management Act 2006 (Draft 15/05/06)
2) EU and SOPAC Programme for Water Governance: Fiji water Resources Management at National Level. Chapter 3- Water Resources Policy (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
3) EU and SOPAC Programme for Water Governance: Fiji water Resources Management at National Level. Chapter 4-Water Resources Legislation (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
4) EU and SOPAC Programme for Water Governance: Fiji water Resources Management at National Level. Chapter 4-Appendix Water Legislation Policy Draft (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
5) EU Water Governance Programme: Water Governance in the Pacific; Kiribati Pilot Project (EU- SOPAC PFWG SEPT 2006)
6) European Union Programme for water governance Pacific Region. Water Governance at the National Level: Pilot country Fiji report of pilot initial mission (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
7) European Union and SOPAC programme for Water Governance. Fiji Water Resources Management at National Level- Chapter one : Summary and Recommendations (Water Policy Services Pty Ltd. Sydney)
8) Pacific Programme for Water Governance- Republic of Kiribati Pilot Project. A whole of Government Approach to Water Policy and Planning (Ian White Australian National University)
9) Solomon Islands Water Resources Bill 2006- Annex SI4
10) Solomon Islands- Water Governance Programme Final Report 2007
11) Solomon Islands Water Governance Programme ( Charlie Bepapa)
12) Vanuatu National Water Strategy (Draft)
13) Pacific Programme for Water Governance Kiribati Water Governance. Milestone Report 1:Activities 1&2
14) Government of the Republic of Kiribati Water for Healthy Communities, Environments and Sustainable Development Draft National Freshwater Resources Policy For Discussion
15) ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK TA No 6031 – REG Promotion of Effective Water Management Policies and Practices TAR: 35494-01 Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) in association with Brisbane City Enterprises (BCE) SECTORAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PROGRAM Final
16) EU & SOPAC Programme for Water Governance. Republic of Kiribati. Water Governance Pilot Project. Summary of Activities
17) National Plan & Strategies for Sustainable Water Management & Use. Draft 10 year Water Resources Plan for Discussion (Kiribati)
18) Water policy and Strategy- Cook Islands
19) Water Bill 2008- Niue