Marc Wilson
Marc Wilson joined SOPAC as the Regional Program Manager for the GEF-IWRM program in January 2009. He holds an MSc and has worked as a natural resource researcher, manager and development aid consultant in over 30 countries in many regions of the world. He has lived and worked for extended periods in both Melanesia and Polynesia. He has worked as a CEO in both the public and private sectors and has extensive consulting experience with national, regional and international organizations. He established and was the foundation Director of the Australian Maritime College’s Graduate School of Marine Resource Management and has published widely in natural resource development and management. He has a particular interest in integrated management of natural resources and the challenges of institutionalizing real stakeholder participation in decision making and in developing non government stakeholder participation capacity. In 2002 – 2007 he was the Australian Team Leader for the AusAID funded Tonga Integrated Fisheries Management Project and prior to joining SOPAC he worked as a strategic planning adviser for RAMSI in the Solomon Islands.