Pacific Integrated Water Resources Management Workshop - 2008
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) National Planning Programme
IWRM Planning Meeting, Niue, 21-22 July 2008
IWRM Planning Meeting, Niue, 21-22 July 2008
- To provide an update to GEF IWRM Focal Points on the GEF Submission
- To discuss project management arrangements including recruitment for the GEF Project
- To determine and agree on deadlines for various deliverables required for full implementation
- To improve understanding of IWRM as an approach to national water resources management planning
- To review country progress towards IWRM planning
- To create outline national work plans for development of national IWRM Plans clearly defining and committing to immediate steps for action to be undertaken before the end of 2008
- To outline resources available to support the national IWRM planning processes and how the EU funded programme can complements these resources to catalyse action
- To promote and plan for means of exchange between Pacific Island countries of lessons learned in water resources planning
- To build the capacity of participants to initiate the development of IWRM plans in their respective countries
- To build the capacity of participants to facilitate meeting working sessions on IWRM related topics in their respective countries
- Agreed process and deadlines for initiation of GEF IWRM project implementation
- First outlines for process to develop IWRM plans in each participating country
- Detailed plan for initialising the IWRM plan development process in each country
- Meeting report