After a inception phase of 3 years, in June 2008 the Council of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved funding for a programme on Sustainable Integrated Water Resources and Wastewater Management (IWRM) to be implemented from 2008-2013 in 14 Pacific Island Countries under the Pacific Alliance for Sustainability.
In addition to this, SOPAC also received funding from the European Union Water Facility in early 2008 to support these same countries for the duration of three years to establish frameworks for national IWRM planning and action, including national strategies for water use efficiency.
In order to mark the inception of these programmes an IWRM Planning Meeting was hosted by Niue 18 to 25 July 2008 at the Mission Hall in Alofi, Niue.
The first afternoon of the meeting focused on updating the IWRM Focal Points on the status of the GEF project submission and key imminent steps for implementation. The following three days served to introduce IWRM Focal points and selected policy delegates to the concept, processes and frameworks for national IWRM planning, as well as the support available through the EU-funded IWRM national planning programme to assist pacific island countries to set up these planning frameworks and processes.
In parallel with this meeting individual country consultation sessions on IWRM and communications for IWRM were held. The meeting was held back to back with the with the 2nd Steering Committee for the Pacific Hydrological Cycle Observing System (Pacific HYCOS) which was held on the last two days.
For further information on the deliberations and outputs of the meeting please download the meeting report, which also includes the agenda and participants list in annex
Report IWRM Planning Meeting Niue 2008.pdf
All presentations that were held during the meeting and results of key working sessions can be downloaded below. Results from individual country working sessions will be distributed on CD to the national IWRM focal points.
In addition to this, SOPAC also received funding from the European Union Water Facility in early 2008 to support these same countries for the duration of three years to establish frameworks for national IWRM planning and action, including national strategies for water use efficiency.
In order to mark the inception of these programmes an IWRM Planning Meeting was hosted by Niue 18 to 25 July 2008 at the Mission Hall in Alofi, Niue.
The first afternoon of the meeting focused on updating the IWRM Focal Points on the status of the GEF project submission and key imminent steps for implementation. The following three days served to introduce IWRM Focal points and selected policy delegates to the concept, processes and frameworks for national IWRM planning, as well as the support available through the EU-funded IWRM national planning programme to assist pacific island countries to set up these planning frameworks and processes.
In parallel with this meeting individual country consultation sessions on IWRM and communications for IWRM were held. The meeting was held back to back with the with the 2nd Steering Committee for the Pacific Hydrological Cycle Observing System (Pacific HYCOS) which was held on the last two days.
For further information on the deliberations and outputs of the meeting please download the meeting report, which also includes the agenda and participants list in annex
Report IWRM Planning Meeting Niue 2008.pdf
All presentations that were held during the meeting and results of key working sessions can be downloaded below. Results from individual country working sessions will be distributed on CD to the national IWRM focal points.