Programme for Water Governance in Kiribati
The pilot programme for Kiribati was focused on development of initiatives at the national level but with major implications at the island and village levels. The programme was run over a 10-12 month period based on intermittent external inputs to assist country facilitation of the process and development of a strategy. A key element in this process was the establishment of National Steering Committee to deal with the above process including cross sector water issues.
Key activities during this time included:
* Meeting with stakeholders and discussing the concept of water governance and what it means in Kiribati;
* Agreement on key tasks such as development of a national water governance strategy, community and government awareness,
* Establishing of a Steering Committee which hopefully will evolve into a National Water Committee;
* Defining the breadth and scope of the governance strategy and how it relates to an overarching national water policy; and
* Development of a framework for action which will guide key stakeholders and assist in achieving water sector reforms.
To date, consultations with government agencies, NGO’s and donor agencies have helped identify previous impediments to the establishment of a whole-of-government approach to the water and sanitation sector that includes community views as well. As a result a background paper on past experiences and suggestions on a whole-of-government approach to water and sanitation has been circulated to stakeholders together with a discussion document that sets out the case for the re-establishment of a National Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee that includes community and NGO representation. Comments on these discussion papers have lead to the development of a Draft Terms of Reference for the Proposed National Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee which is now under consideration by government agencies and NGOs.
Draft policy and progress reports:
Draft policy and progress reports:
- Background document to the Kiribati Natinal Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee
- Long term Water and Sanitation priorities in Kiribati for potential support under EU EDF10
- Kiribati National Water and Sanitation Terms of Reference
- Programme for Water Governance Milestone Report 1
- Programme for Water Governance Milestone Report 2
- Kiribati Programme for Water Governance Report
- Kiribati Programme for Water Governance Final Report
- Kiribati Programme for Water Governance Summary
- Kiribati Draft National Water Policy
- Kiribati 10 Year Water Resources Plan (Draft)