Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC)
The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) is an intergovernmental, regional organisation with 20 member countries, including 18 Pacific island countries and territories, as well as Australia and New Zealand. SOPAC’s work is carried out through its Secretariat, based in Suva, Fiji.
SOPAC was established in 1972 under the Economic and Social Division of the UN as a project called the Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC), to promote offshore mineral and petroleum prospecting. The secretariat became autonomous in 1984 with the funding of its member countries, donor countries and international agencies to steer its annual operations. While the initial focus of its work was on marine mapping and geosciences, recent years have seen a broadening of this scope to include hazard assessment and risk management, environmental vulnerability, oceanography, energy, water and sanitation and information and communication technologies.
Corporate Vision – Natural resources, principally non-living resources, developed in a sustainable manner and vulnerability reduced for the people of the Pacific.
The Water Demand Management program for Pacific Island Countries are managed and implemented by SOPAC.
SOPAC was established in 1972 under the Economic and Social Division of the UN as a project called the Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC), to promote offshore mineral and petroleum prospecting. The secretariat became autonomous in 1984 with the funding of its member countries, donor countries and international agencies to steer its annual operations. While the initial focus of its work was on marine mapping and geosciences, recent years have seen a broadening of this scope to include hazard assessment and risk management, environmental vulnerability, oceanography, energy, water and sanitation and information and communication technologies.
Corporate Vision – Natural resources, principally non-living resources, developed in a sustainable manner and vulnerability reduced for the people of the Pacific.
The Water Demand Management program for Pacific Island Countries are managed and implemented by SOPAC.