Honiara City Water Loss Management, Sectorisation, Metering and Logging, Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA) had previously to this project selected the Lower West Kola (LWK) part of the Tuvaruhu pumped water supply system as a priority. System investigations were done through analysis of MapInfo data and deploying flow and pressure loggers at selected sites throughout the system. The immediate findings from this initial action were; potentially large levels of leakage, pressure level inconsistent with topography, major restriction in the pipework close to supply point, uncertain integrity of boundary valves, wrong location and size of water meter at supply point and one of the meters at the hospital out of order causing SIWA a revenue loss of SBD 25,000.00 per month.
Solutions to these problems were presented, hospital meter and broken boundary valves for this area were immediately repaired, an upgrade of MapInfo were done together with the creation of the LWK District Metered Area (DMA). A new bulk flow meter to replace the old at the supply point were provided together with a laptop containing software to install and read the flow and pressure loggers, and custom made software to produce water balance for every DMA. Acoustic leak detection equipment were also provided by the WDM program in order to assist SIWA battle what is believed to be a system water loss of around 40%.
The WDM program holds the expertise to assist SIWA implementing the following recommendations; comprehensive sectorisation of Honiara water supply network, installation of flow meters on sectorised areas, installation of bulk flow meters on all reservoirs, investigate scope for possible pressure reduction, comprehensive leakage detection program once DMA’s have been established and comprehensive boundary valve maintenance program. More training of SIWA staff in using the full potential of MapInfo as an asset management tool is also available.