Water Loss Management Workshop; Rarotonga, Cook Islands
During March 2007, SOPAC and Wide Bay Water Corporation conducted the first of a series of training in water loss management under the NZAID funded Water Demand Management program in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. The training was attended by participants from the water utilities of Cook Islands, Samoa and Solomon Islands. A range of topics, including economic and social benefits of water loss management, sectorisation of the reticulated system, pressure management, leak detection, reservoir drop tests, flow/pressure logging, water auditing and different client communication strategies were covered in the training. This enabled the participants to produce System Loss calculations for their own water supply system, and suggested strategies for prioritising and reducing losses.
“Metering Rarotonga’s Industrial Water Demand” a pilot project within the training sought to improve baseline data on consumption by Rarotonga’s two main industries; tourism and agriculture, in order to create a foundation for future water resource related decision making and improve water governance. The pilot project was developed by the SOPAC Water Use Efficiency Adviser after a request from the Ministry of Works and Department of Water Works in Cook Islands, and it was incorporated in the training course with the intention of knowledge transfer to the other participating utilities.