Map Cook Islands Federated Sates of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Nauru Niue Papua New Guinea Republic of Marshall Islands Republic of Palau Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Land Area
Water resource
Water consumption
Country Cook Islands Cook Islands
Population 21,750 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 236.7 km2
Water resource
Water consumption
Country Federated Sates of Micronesia Federated Sates of Micronesia
Population 107,862 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 702 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 4,928 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Fiji Fiji
Population 918 675 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 18,270 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2000 - 3000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Kiribati Kiribati
Population 107,817 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 811 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: South of the equator: 1,300 mm Tarawa: 2,000 mm Northernmost islands: over 3,200mm Eastern Line Islands: less than 1,000 mm
Water consumption
Country Nauru Nauru
Population 11,528 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 21 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2,090 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Niue Niue
Population 1,625m(GoN statistics 2006)
Land Area 260 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2,180 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Population 5,795,887 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 462,840 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall:1000-80000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Republic of Marshall Islands Republic of Marshall Islands
Population 20,842
Land Area 458 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 3,700 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Republic of Palau Republic of Palau
Population 61,815(July 2007 est.)
Land Area 11,854.3 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: Southern attols: 4,000mm Northern attols:2,000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Samoa Samoa
Population 214,265
Land Area 2,944 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 3,000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
Population 566,842
Land Area 28,450 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall:1500-5000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Tonga Tonga
Population 116,921
Land Area 748 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: Varies from north and south of tonga with an estimated average of 2500 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Tuvalu Tuvalu
Population 11.992 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 26 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 3000mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Vanuatu Vanuatu
Population 211,971 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 12,200 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2000 - 4000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Key Message
Project Title
Implementing Agency
Partnership Organisation
Donor Agency
("," separated)
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3rd Progress Report and Pacific Position Paper in preparation for the 5th World Water Forum
Pacific Partnership Initiative on Sustainable Water Management

3rd Progress Report


Pacific Position Paper

in preparation for the 5th World Water Forum

16-22 March 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

The 2008 International Year of Sanitation marks a period of increased support for, and intervention in the region’s water and sanitation sector. This unprecedented growth has been guided largely by a number of strategies developed by the region over the last eight years, through a broad series of coordinated and comprehensive consultations. This includes the Pacific Wastewater Policy and Wastewater Framework for Action (2001); the Pacific Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Water Management (2002) and the Pacific Framework for Action on Drinking Water Quality and Health (2005).

The above key strategies, along with the Pacific Partnership Initiative on Sustainable Water Management, ensured a more coordinated and strategic approach to water and sanitation activities in the region. The Partnership enables countries and development agencies to: identify successful previous activities and therefore improve the sustainability of subsequent interventions; reduce and prevent duplication of activities; link country requirements to development programmes (and vice versa); and augment existing and proposed activities nationally and regionally.

The Science, Technology and Research network (STAR) Water Working Group meeting in November 2008 in Tuvalu in association with SOPAC’s 37th Annual Session, provides further opportunity for inputs to the draft Pacific Paper. The draft paper will be placed on the Partnership’s website and circulated through the Pacific Partnership Initiative for further comment.

The 3rd Progress Report and draft Position Paper covers: the basic characteristics and main challenges of the Pacific region; the developed regional strategies; the status of implementation of regional and national actions; the MDG targets on Water and Sanitation and IWRM; the Partnership Coordination Unit; Pacific IWRM Resource Centre; Pacific Water Focal Groups; Advocacy and Political Will, Monitoring and Evaluation of Pacific RAP implementation including an overview of country indicators on water resources, water supply and sanitation; and a reference to key documents.

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